Sarah Grass

Sarah Grass is a Chilean-American visual artist living and working in Queens, NY. She uses visual metaphor to render complexities of the psyche in drawing. Through disarming symbolism, such as a phallic-shaped female dachshund, Grass depicts personal/collective anxieties related to trauma and grief work, displaced identity in diaspora lineage, masculine/feminine polarity, non-binary states of being, and the weakened feminine principle under patriarchal rule. 

Grass holds a BFA in Fine Arts and MFA in Art Practice from The School of Visual Arts. Her work has been exhibited across the US and internationally, at 550 Gallery, Queens, NY (2022); Quappi Projects, Louiville, KY (2022); Satellite Art Club, Brooklyn, NY (2021); Eve Leibe Gallery, London, UK (2021); Field Projects Gallery, New York (2020); Leftfield Gallery, Los Osos, CA (2020); Spring Break Art Fair, New York, NY (2020/2022); Art on Paper Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2019); Doppelgänger Projects, Ridgewood, NY (2019); The Ferry Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand (2018); JustMAD Art Fair, Madrid, Spain (2017); The New School for Social Research, New York, NY (2016); and the Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX (2015).

Buddy System III