
Madeline Donahue

Madeline Donahue’s work explores the overwhelming absurdity, intimacy, and joy of caring for another person. Her focus is on the surreal reality, physicality and interdependence of the mother and child relationship. Using humor, she addresses the simultaneous existence of the abject and sublime. She makes each of her works in one day, in a fresh and fluid process that communicates the immediacy of the present moment.

Madeline Donahue is from Houston, Texas and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She has had exhibitions at Praise Shadows, Boston; Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, Public Swim Gallery, The Every Woman Biennial, and Field Projects, all New York; Paradise Palase, Underdonk, and Greenpoint Terminal Gallery, Brooklyn; and TJ Boulting Gallery, London. Her work has been reviewed by the GuardianHyperallegic, and Elephant Magazine, where she contributes drawings for the quarterly printed column, Post Partum Document

House Party
A Stiller Life