Courtney Childress

Courtney Childress lives and works in New York, NY. She received her MFA from S.U.N.Y. at Purchase College, Purchase, NY (2012) and her BFA from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (2008). She recently had a solo exhibition at Massey Klein Gallery, New York, NY in 2021. Her work was included in group exhibitions at Dimin, New York, NY (2023); Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (2020 - 2021); SPRING/BREAK, New York, NY (2020); Mrs Gallery, Maspeth, NY (2018). Childress received a City Artist Corps Grant from New York Foundation for the Arts in 2021 and the ACE Grant NYC from the Rema Hort Mann Foundation in 2018.

Courtney Childress, Fuzzy Logic
Through the Art of Painting